Look at the top picture...3D is crazy!
We had our ultrasound today and it was AWESOME! I mean, seeing the baby in 3D is the coolest thing...it's not just this fuzzy image like the other one here. It's features are so clear!
The little guy/girl was moving all over the place in there this morning prompting the tech to say "Gosh, you've really got an active one in there!" Tell me about it. I kept telling Chris how I can feel it kick all day long and I think now he really gets it from seeing it move all over the place. I didn't realize all the measurements they take during the visit, so it was really neat to be able to lay there for about 30 minutes just watching the little thing. We got to see it's little face, the belly, heart, brain, spine, hands, and the feet just casually hanging out. She said the heart's looking good and beating quite fast, the brain looks good, and the baby's putting on weight rather well. So well, in fact, that it's in the 95th percentile for it's weight! What the hell?? He/she is about 15oz and the average for 20 weeks is about 10.5oz. And I don't hit exactly 20 weeks until Wednesday, so I think it's safe to say we've got a big one one our hands! She asked me if we think we may be off on our due date, and we just had to laugh and say "no, we're 100% on the dates of everything." Then we told her how big we both were at birth (me: over 9lbs, Chris: 11lbs). She kinda laughed back with that 'You're screwed" kind of look. Sweet. My kid needs to go on a diet already:) And I'll tell ya what...Chris is going to be in for it during labor. I will figure out a way to make him feel it all with me! Ha!
How I look: Still just a little bump on my front...not really a ball yet. I haven't gotten on the scale at home lately to see if I've gained more, but I don't feel like I've gotten any bigger in the last couple weeks since my last doctor's appointment. At least my clothes are fitting the same they did a coupld weeks ago. I'm sure that'll all change pretty quickly in the next few weeks though...especially with a sumo wrestler growing in there.
How I feel: Great! My appetite hasn't really increased all that much so thankfully I'm not starving all the time right now. I hadn't been sleeping the greatest at night, but last week (we went to Florida for the weekend) my sis-in-law, Amy, gave me her awesome body pillow to borrow. I've been sleeping so much better now that I have that! I think I want to buy one just to use all the time instead of a regular pillow. And now I catch Chris trying to nap with it when I'm not there:) So thanks Amy!