Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The cat's out...

Well, we finally told. We called the Kruger side on Friday to let them know and of course they were ecstatic. I'm pretty sure my mother-in-law is already stocking up on fabric to sew all kinds of things...if she hasn't started sewing already!

My parents found out on Sunday and I'm pretty sure I could have used some ear plugs to quiet Mom's screams. They're really excited and can't wait. And I did find out that Mom was sick most of the time during her pregnancies, so now I have her to blame:) Dad said he has been gauging if he thinks I'd been pregnant the past few months he's been up here by seeing if I would drink...funny how having just a half glass of wine in front of someone will make them think I'm not!

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