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Monday, June 16, 2008

Good bye Nagy...we'll miss you

Today we learned Nagymama(my grandma) passed away. It's been a very long life for her and we will miss her dearly. She had gotten really sick in the last week so we were all prepared for it. All of her kids (my aunts and uncles) were able to be in town to see her for the past few days and I know that's been really helpful for all of them.

Though I know it's rare for someone to know or have any recollection of their great grandparents, I'm still saddened that my kids will never get to know her. They won't get to get her ever-popular birthday cards with a $1 bill and a note saying "Buy you's a coke", or ever get to taste her chicken paprikash, palascinta or green bean soup, or get the Hungarian cook book from her when they get married. They won't get to hear her tell them all kinds of bad words in Hungarian or get to go in her basement to play pool and hang out at Pops' awesome bar. But they will get to hear all of our stories about her and how ornery she was.

I know she's upstairs now probably dancing with Pops to some Hungarian polka music and having the best time. We'll miss you Nagy.


Jack and Molly's Mom said...

I'm sure her legacy will live on through the stories and memories of her grandchildren - and in her own way, she'll still be looking at snapshots of her great-grandchildren as the years go by.

NaeNae said...

I'm sorry to hear of your family's loss. I'm sure Baby Krugie (and cousins) will love hearing stories about Nagymama.