Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, June 13, 2008

The hospital tour...enough to freak a first time mom out

So last night we took a hospital tour to check out one of the hospitals that we might have the baby at. I'm thinking this is going to be pretty uneventful and really boring but I just wanted to see how this place works.

So we all meet in the main lobby and our nurse tour guide takes us all upstairs to the birthing center. There are about 8 of us on tour and we all get off the elevator to our first stop of looking in the nursery. About a minute into it all, around the corner comes a nurse running a very pregnant mom in a wheelchair to one of the observation rooms as she is (sorry it's gross) vomiting into a huge bowl in her lap. Now when I say vomiting, I mean she has a BIG bowl in her lap already filled with vomit as she is vomiting even more into it as she passes us. I don't know how much stuff was in that poor woman's stomach but it was alot! All of us to-be moms look at each other with that 'holy crap (insert curse word instead)' look on our faces. We could hear her moaning down the hall once she turned the corner as a doctor sprints passed us and we hear nurses calling her name saying 'Faye, Faye, can you hear me, Faye!" and over the loud speaker is 'Rapid response Birth Center, rapid response Birth Center'. Awesome.

So our nurse tour guide lady just kind of says 'wow, busy night tonight' and 'it's not usually like this'...Lord, I hope not! She decides to take us down the hall to the waiting room so that things can calm down and we are out of the way for the doctors. As we all pile into the room we hear sick Faye screaming...screaming. Jesus Lord, I do not want to have this baby anymore. What in the world could be happening down there? If that's not enough to scare you about having a kid, I dont know what is. So we stay in the room for a while then continue our tour.

We then go to the LDRP (Labor Delivery Recovery Postpartum) room for her to show us everything. This is the one room that moms have for their entire stay which is pretty nice. That way, you're not moving around to different rooms. Not that it was really shocking, and I really wouldn't have paid much attention to any of this if I were already in labor without having seen the room prior to my arrival. But when you lift the sheets back on the bed, raise the bed, lift the back of the bed, detach the bottom half of the bed, and raise the stirrups, and there's just this delivery bed staring at you, it's a little freaky looking...especially with the nice red Biohazard bag just hanging out below the edge of the bed waiting to catch 'stuff'. I mean, I watch all these shows on TLC but when you just see the bed hanging out waiting there it's just weird. We did like it that she took us through how everything works and how a typical delivery works so it answers alot of questions.

After this room (quite some time had passed) she took us down the hall where sick Faye was taken to show us the Observation room where you would go if you are checked into the hospital for any reason prior to labor where they can just watch and monitor you. This is where Faye was so we weren't allowed to actually check the room out. The nurse in that area says we were not allowed to go in because it's 'really messy' in there. Seriously, what is wrong with poor Faye...why is the room so 'messy'?? Again, all of us just look at each other. I know not every pregnancy is happy and perfect but when you see someone sick like that it really just makes you think all these scary thoughts. Crazy.

So that was basically our visit last night. Much more eventful than we anticipated.


NaeNae said...

Wow! That's enough to scare ANY expectant mom!

Jack and Molly's Mom said...

Poor Faye...wonder how she's doing now?

Kelly in NC said...

Ahh, ha, ha, ha! I almost peed myself reading that story! Are you going to the prenatal classes? If so- just wait until you see those movies! That will scare the poop (or vomit in Faye's case) right out of you!